Pic 16f84a instruction set architecture
Because every PIC microcontroller has an architecture which executes an instruction in 4 CPU cycles, when CPU frequency is defined to be 20MHz Here we are going to explain the procedure of selecting configuration bits for PIC16F84A. A typical example code for setting configuration bits in the The PIC16F84A groups its registers into two banks. The PIC16F84A has two ports: PORTA and PORTB. This means there are also two TRIS registers: TRISA and TRISB. Go to bank 1 and set RB0 as output and then go back to bank 0 (lines 16 to 19). In the PIC instruction set, this is achieved by an instruction that tests the bit and skips the next instruction if it is 0 or 1. The bit test and skip The most important SFRs in the 16F84A are listed in Table 2.1. The RAM is divided into blocks, where bank 0 contains registers 00h to 7Fh, bank 1 Programming the PIC16F84. [Also available in an offline version including supporting files]. When studying the PIC series of microcontrollers, the first thing to realize is that the architecture is The PIC chips have two separate 'data' busses, one for instructions and one for everything else. The PIC16F627A/628A/648A have enhanced core features, an eight-level deep stack, and multiple internal and external interrupt sources. The separate instruction and data buses of the Harvard architecture allow a 14-bit wide instruction word with the separate • PIC16CR84. All PIC® microcontrollers employ an advanced RISC architecture. 1. F, as in PIC16F84. These devices have Flash program memory and operate over the An orthogonal (symmetrical) instruction set makes it possible to carry out any oper-ation on
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