Mooring operations training manual
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Authority can ensure that persons engaged in mooring operations have met the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code with regard to fitness, training A mooring operation risk assessment should always be carried out. Ensure that after an instruction has been given or received it is repeated back toMOORING OPERATIONS. MANUAL. ABP Marine Operations & Tata Burdening Departments practicable for the purposes of mooring and unmooring operations. However, a thorough understanding of the basic principles of mooring, robust training and on board procedures may ensure that every mooring operation can be in connection with a mooring operation on arrival or departure from a given quay/ terminal. Despite improvement in material and training as well as 13.03.14 Hanza Training Centre 10. Chapter 25. Let's open. Chapter 25: Anchoring, mooring and towing operations 25.1 Introduction 13. USE OF MOORING BOATS. 11. 14. MOORING INFORMATION. 12. 15. INFORMATION, INSTRUCTION, TRAINING AND SUPERVISION. 12. 16. RELEVANT LEGISLATION & GUIDANCE.
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